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Attendance Policy 2024-25

Regular attendance

Regular attendance at school promotes pupils’ well-being, maximises progress in learning and helps pupils reach their potential. The attendance pattern for all children is monitored weekly with the school seeking to work actively with parents to ensure a regular pattern is maintained. One of our basic principles is to celebrate success. Good attendance is fundamental to a successful and fulfilling school experience. It is our duty to promote 100% attendance for all children. For our children to take full advantage of the educational opportunities offered it is vital that our pupils are at school, on time, every day the school is open, unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable.

All children have the right to an education and we have put in place appropriate procedures to support this. We believe that the most important factor in promoting good attendance is development of positive attitudes towards school and learning.

Good attendance is important because:

  • statistics show a direct link between under-achievement and absence below 95%
  • regular attenders make better progress, both socially and academically
  • regular attenders find school routines, school work and friendships easier to cope with
  • regular attenders find learning more satisfying
  • regular attenders are most successful in transferring between primary school, secondary school, higher education and employment or training

The Governing Body and Head teacher, in partnership with parents have a duty to promote full attendance at school.

Absence during term time


For term-time pupil absences, the Education (pupil registration) (England) (amendment) Regulations 2013, which came into force on 1 September 2013, removed all references to ‘family holidays’ and ‘extended leave’ as well as the ‘notional threshold of 10 school days’ authorised absence.


The 2013 amendments made it clear that head teachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless ‘exceptional circumstances’ prevail. The regulations also state that head teachers should determine the number of school days a pupil can be away from school in the event that leave is granted for ‘exceptional circumstances’.


This information seeks to help clarify the meaning of ‘exceptional circumstances’ and outline some guiding principles to aid the head teacher’s decision-making process while offering parents a consistent and fair approach to requests for any term-time absence.


The fundamental principles for defining ‘exceptional circumstances’ are that they are ‘rare, significant, unavoidable and short’.

Guiding principles

  1. Term times are for education.  This is the priority.  Children and families have 175 days off school to spend time together, including weekends and school holidays. The head teacher will rightly prioritise attendance.  The default school policy is that absences will not be granted during term time and will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances.  
  2. The decision to authorise a pupil’s absence is wholly at the head teacher’s discretion based on their assessment and merits of each request.  
  3. If an event can be reasonably scheduled outside of term time then it would not be normal to authorise absence for such an event, for example: holidays or other travel, including as a result of parental work commitments, are therefore not considered ‘exceptional circumstances’; leave which is taken because of the availability of cheaper fares or other costs are not regarded as exceptional circumstances; claims of illness as a reason for a delayed return, particularly after normal school holidays will not be considered unless accompanied by travel tickets dated before the school opens or other agreed dates.  Medical documentation from abroad will not  be accepted unless accompanied by travel documents indicating travel dates prior to school reopening.  
  4. Absences for important religious observances are often taken into account, but only for the ceremony and travelling time, again, not for extended leave. This is intended for one-off situations rather than regular or recurring events.  
  5. Reasonable adjustments for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities will be made and may result in a leave being grated as an exceptional circumstance.  
  6. Families may need time together to recover from a trauma or crisis, including where an absence from school is recommended by a health professional as part of a parent or child’s rehabilitation from a medical or emotional issue.  
  7. When making absence-related decisions, the head teacher will consider; a pupil’s record of attendance for the current and previous academic years; time of absence being taken in the school year.  If the request is made to extend the beginning or end of a school holiday period, it will not be considered exceptional.  
  8. The head teacher can determine the length of the authorised absence as well as whether a particular absence is authorised.


The following factors may also help the head teacher to reach a decision:

  • number of school days being missed;
  • any exceptional term-time leave requested and/or taken in previous academic years for a similar purpose;
  • whether alternative care arrangements been considered by the parent to limit the time away from school;
  • impact on any interventions, assessments or referrals being undertaken with the child or family, for example, family support, social care assessments, CAMHS, SEN;
  • the potential impact that the absence will have on the child;
  • whether the absence falls within any key stage national tests or exams.



  • A parent should complete an application form for term-time leave in good time.  The parent with whom the pupil normally resides must make the application.   
  • Leave may only be granted where proper procedures have been followed and the permission given.  
  • Tickets and/or other travel arrangements should not be booked prior to discussion with and agreement of the school.
  • Parents should not confuse telling the school with having permission.
  • Where the school and the parents fail to reach an agreement and the child is then absent from school the absence will be marked as unauthorised. Unauthorised absences are an offence and can be liable to legal action or a fixed penalty fine.  
  • Extended absences may put your child’s school place at risk.
  • In the event of an emergency when you have to take leave urgently, taking children, then you should inform the school or have the school informed immediately.  Leave of absence cannot be granted retrospectively and evidence other than your word may be asked for.
  • Parents are warned that if they take their child out of school without permission the Local Authority has the power to issue Fixed-Penalty Notices in respect of unauthorised absences.
  • Penalty notices can be issued to each parent and for each child.  The Penalty is £80 per child, per parent, payable within 21 days, or £160 if paid within 28 days.  (Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2004) for any first penalty notice. If a second penalty notice is issued to the same parent in respect of the same pupil the parent must pay £160 within 28 days. 

An update to Bradford Council procedures for absence in term time was adopted by St Anne's Catholic Primary School in July 2024.

Please click here to see the communication relating to this change:

Attendance Policy Summary

A decision has been made by Bradford Council to change their approach to situations where families take two or more periods of unauthorised leave in a 12-month period, or when a period of four or more weeks of leave is taken. In these instances, Bradford Council will utilise the option to start legal proceedings via the magistrates’ court, instead of issuing a penalty notice. This means that parents may be liable to receive a significantly higher fine (up to £2,500 per child, per parent) if found guilty, as well as receive a criminal record, which may be reportable to employers (for example, via a DBS Check). In rare circumstances, magistrates can consider a custodial sentence for up to 3 months. This change will come into force from 1st April 2023.

 Sickness absence

If your child is unwell you should telephone the school absence line on 01535 210600

If we have not received a message that your child is absent, a member of staff will telephone you to find out where your child is.  This is for your child’s safety and to ensure that we know they are safe, so please be understanding if you receive a call from us.

If you are not sure how long your child should be absent from school due to illness, the document below will provide a guide for you.

Health Guidance


remember every day counts.pdf