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St. Anne's Catholic Primary School

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Below is a list of policies and documents that you can look at. Please contact the school if you have any comments. Click on the newsletter tab to view our latest newsletters. If you require any of these documents in paper form, large print or an audio format, please inform the school office.

Here are a selection of the policies that we think parents will find most useful. Please contact the school if you would like any that are not listed below.

Some of the key Policies that govern our school are here. Click on the links below to download copies of the policies.

Copies of all our policies are available in paper format from the school office.


Our Safeguarding policies, including attendance,  can also be found on a separate page with further details about important safeguarding practices. 

Safeguarding Page

Some of our policies are Trust Policies. 

Policies on GDPRComplaintsHR, Whistleblowing and Finance can be found here:

Trust Policies

RE Policies

There are no documents to display at present.

GDPR Policies

There are no documents to display at present.


Safeguarding Polices

Other Policies

There are no documents to display at present.